It’s Independence Day, yes, when we here in Great Britain celebrate our Great Project — creating an entire country for comedy purposes in the guise of ceding America its independence. Thank you for giving us literally hundreds of years of laughter.
I’m sorry? You doubt me?
That’s right, sit the fuck back down. Cheers, Yanqui.
Count yourself lucky your women are attractive to us.
(Every single year I do something like this, and every single year I get masses of hate mail. Which is in itself funny as all hell.)
I'm sure this just eats away at those of my fellow citizens who have bought into the American myth and think our country is sacred, something to be revered. Just fine-they deserve a good tweaking. But I couldn't help thinking: YOU DID THIS ON PURPOSE?? You want to claim responsibility for this continent-sized mess? Joke's on you, pal.
In truth, the post made me angry. Not because I object to mocking the US of A, but because I don't think my country is very funny. Arrogant, hypocritical, pathologically violent, self-righteous, ignorant, xenophobic...not funny. Just scary.
I feel obliged to cover my ass by stating that I mean America as a governmental entity and global force. I don't condemn Americans because that would be meaningless and stupid. I am an American, most everyone I love and cherish in the world is American, this is my home. But as a government, as a nation, this place just fucking appalls me.I firmly believe that when things are really bad is when we laugh the hardest, and laughing at the bogeyman makes him less powerful. Up to a point. But I also think that things can be too dark for jokes, and I guess that's about where I am with America. Writing us off as an orchestrated comedy act seems like a dangerous act of denial.
Which doesn't mean Warren shouldn't make fun of the USA. It just means that when it comes to my country, I've lost my sense of humor. How depressing.Time to go eat some BBQ.