Sunday, November 11, 2007

Wots of Wuv

I woke up this morning to find a purple envelope slipped under my apartment door. It was addressed to Guess Who?? I know very few people in my apartment complex, and no one well enough to be exchanging cards. Intriguing. I tore it open and found a giant Tweety Bird holding a bouquet of flowers and telling me that right now someone was thinking of me with...Wots of Wuv! The card was signed by Douglas. Apparently, he would like to get to know me better. He thinks I have a great personality. He included his phone number. I have NO IDEA who this person is. Errr...

So, I have as secret admirer. That's sweet. He likes Tweety Bird. That's...something. I guess I'm flattered. But Wots of Wuv?? As an introductory note?

Of course, I have to call him.

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