Friday, April 4, 2008

Birthday Week!

I turned 25 on Tuesday the 1st, and I have decided that I get a birthday week instead of just a single day. So happy birth-week to me for another 4 days! I'm not having much of a reaction to being 25, except to fervently hope this year is better than the last one was. One day at a time I suppose.

I bought myself a microwave which my grandmother has promised to pay for as a birthday gift. It's a silly thing to be excited about, but as a person living alone let me tell you: leftovers are much more likely to get eaten if you don't have to dirty as many dishes warming them as you would to make a new meal. I reheated something today and it was GREAT. Small pleasures, folks.

Also, sometimes miracles of modern technology really do feel like miracles. On my birthday I got a surprise phone call from two dear friends I never see, one of whom is in Cairo and another somewhere in Germany. They were on the same cheap phone call with the wonders of Skype. It was the best birthday gift ever.

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