Sunday, November 30, 2008

Life's Small Secrets

I have a small bit of genius to share, a discovery about every day living that has truly improved my life: Two Blanket Sleeping. Two Blanket Sleeping refers to the act of sharing a bed with a partner, but each using your own blanket. I'm telling you, this is the co-sleeping rosetta stone. You can be close to your loved one, even touching knees or holding hands, but as you both fall asleep you drift off into your own private physical worlds. No more kicking, blanket stealing, sheet tangling, or pillow hogging. This works especially well if you have a matress that doesn't transmit every little jiggle to the other side of the bed. (If you don't have one of these, get one. A good mattress is worth the money.)

This may seem trivial, but getting good sleep on a regular basis is just so nice. Where is our cultural repository for such practical wisdom?

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